City of North Chicago Economic Development/Planning/Zoning Committee met Nov. 6

City of North Chicago Economic Development/Planning/Zoning Committee met Nov. 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Alderman Smith called the meeting to order.


Present: Jackson, Evans, Allen, Smith, Murphy

Absent: Coleman, January


Greg Jackson, Chief of Staff explained existing building at 1919 Sherman Ave. was previously Daisy’s Resource 501C3 Center; the facility was closed several years and lost state funding and the Special Use Permit; currently zoned at R3 – Single Family Home. The purpose was to discuss the proposed homeless resource center. The building at 1919 Sherman Ave. would move proposal to accept or deny Item I to the Zoning Commission. The Executive Director and members were present.

Mr. Stacy Bullard, President/Chairman reviewed the slides and attachments explaining the Vision and Mission of the Company.

Alderman Jackson asked the view of the ward alderman on the project; Alderman Smith explained.

Alderman Allen questioned if any men with their children; Mr. Bullard stated the focus was on the targeted market of women with children at the time. Vice President, Lamonica Barrett added that men weren’t included with women though not eliminated.

City Clerk, Lori Collins questioned facility across the street from the center; Mr. Bullard was very familiar with the Allendale facility; the homeless resource center was a 12-month program; collaborated with a chosen selective group supervised and controlled outside. She also asked if there was an evaluation of the neighborhood; Mr. Bullard explained was minimal houses and the goal was to alleviate any issues.

Mrs. Bullard explained the age requirement was 18 years and older; their applicant screening process was from various organizations ensuring was the “right fit” for their center; they were responsible for them to be provided another facility. Alderman Evans questioned clarification of 24hrs. how it was managed; Mr. Bullard clarified the program was understood as a commitment choice; there were many activities and scheduled field trips etc. The applicants needed to change their previous environment.

The Mayor questioned what county; Mrs. Bullard stated strictly from Lake County; he questioned funding; Mr. Bullard explained the 1st grant was for constructing and remodeling; there was a commitment to the second grant working out the details; goal was to open in October 2024. They were marked government funds issued for exact purposes.

Alderman Smith gave a scenario of leaving program in 6-month time with the center and number of hired employees; Ms. Barrett explained the applicant required commitment. Mr. Bullard explained a probation period; hopeful of selecting the correct applicants. There were 6; a full-time police officers, someone to manage the facility and volunteers.


Chief of Staff Jackson introduced a proposal from CanAFarm for dispensary and its location on Farwell Ave., A Special Use Permit application was needed and the organization team members were present.

Talvin White, Owner Licensee

Lavell Wynn, Operations Manager

Lamont Ivy and Reggie Boyson, Construction Consultants all from North Chicago

Mr. White explained he was a north Chicagoan, hoping to generate revenue with the City; he had multiple businesses within and preferred giving back to the community and essential partnerships. He Reviewed the blueprints of the building floor plan; would be collaborating with the North Chiago Police Department with on-site security.

Alderman Allen questioned clarification of the company goal. Mr. White explained to bring revenue and maintaining businesses in the City.

Treasurer, Vance Wyatt asked of their plans. Mr. White was willing if the state would allow him to open a transport business. Treasurer Wyatt recommended adopting an ordinance to remain competitive with local dispensaries.

Alderman Evans questioned their goal; Mr. White stated once council approved by February of 2024.

The Mayor clarified were pros and cons with a cannabis dispensary; adding State of IL had legalized facilities allowed to operate and preferred generating additional revenue within the City. Mr. White added he was hoping for revenue from the naval base.

Alderman Murphy was in favor for revenue maintaining within and commented there were many other local facilities surrounding the city. She recalled the city had amended the ordinance accordingly when it became legalized. She was curious and concerned with any crime statistics. Attorney Eliza Solowiej explained there was no crime increase reported. Mr. White stated the bank would assume liability for armored vehicles.


Chief of Staff Jackson explained there was no supported documentation or proposed owners weren’t present for discussion of Item II.

Alderman Allen moved, seconded by Alderman Jackson that Economic Development/Planning/Zoning Committee Meeting stand adjourned.


Ayes: Jackson, Evans, Allen, Smith, Murphy

Nays: None

Absent: Coleman, January

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.